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Create Azure Streaming Analytics Job

Streaming Analytics is a managed event stream processing engine which can be used to perform realtime analytics on the streaming data.

  • Click on + create a resource in the top left corner of the portal
  • Select on Internet of Things in the newly opened blade
  • Select Stream Analytics Job
  • Give a unique name for your Streaming analytics job for e.g., streaming-event-agg-test-job (you can give the name of your choice)
  • Select your subscription, in my case it is Microsoft Azure Internal Subscription (Note: You might have a different subscription)
  • Resource Group - A resource group is a logical grouping of the resources which helps to easily manage the related resources. You can use any existing resource group or create a new one for e.g., stream_analytics_labs_rg
  • Select the location as WEST EUROPE
  • Select appropriate hosting environment either Cloud or Edge. For this labs choose Cloud as hosting environment as we will be running this streaming job on the cloud. Note: If you want to deploy the streaming job on an IoT edge device then you can select Edge
  • Click create, this will start initializing your streaming analytics job
    • You can navigate to the streaming analytics job once created:
    • Notification bell is on the top right corner which shows the status of the Streaming analytics job setup, once completed;
    • Click on notification bell and click on Go to resource button
  • Congrats! you have now setup your Streaming Analytics job


Streaming Analytics Job general overview, use-cases, integration, Storm with IoT or Event Hubs:

Link Description
Streaming Analytics Overview of Streaming Analytics
Streaming Analytics Reference Streaming analytics reference documentation
Azure DataBricks Spark DataBricks Spark Streaming for streaming analytics
HDInsight Apache Storm Overview of HDInsight Apache Storm cluster for Complex Event Processing CEP engine
Products Main page for Azure Products
Pricing Pricing and TCO Calculators, plus pricing page for each product
Documentation Azure documentation, quickstarts, SDKs and APIs etc.
Learning Paths Guided (and finite) paths for learning a new area

Create an Azure Stream Analytics query

  • Access the Streaming Analytics Job through the portal
    • Click on All Resources - this will list all the resources under your subscription
    • Select the Streaming Analytics Job created in previous step for e.g., streaming-event-agg-test-job
  • Under the Job Topology section select Query
  • Download the sample sensor data file in JSON format here
  • Under the Inputs, next to yourinputalias select the three dots … and click upload sample data from file
  • Upload the sensor data file
  • Click on the gear button on the top area - this will display the contents of the file uploaded
  • You can filter, aggregate, join the dimensional data etc for e.g., change the Query as below
    System.timestamp as OutputTime,
    dspl as sensorname,
    avg(TEMP) as avgtemperature
GROUP BY TumblingWindow(SECOND, 30), dspl
  • Click on save

(Optional) Configure IoT Hub, Event Hubs as the inputs for Streaming Analytics Job

  • Pre-Requisites: (TBD)

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