In this lab you will create a custom image using Packer, and then use it to deploy two VMs. These will be used in the next lab.
If you already have Packer installed then skip to the working environment step.
If you do not have Packer installed then you can either install Packer manually or using a script.
Install Packer manually
If installing Packer manually:
Follow Hashicorp’s instructions for installing the binary if you haven’t done so as part of the prereqs:
(As with all Hashicorp binaries this is an intentionally manual process. Allowing the admin full visibility and control over the versioning throughout the whole configuration management stack is part of the company ethos.)
Check the location and version
which packer packer --version
Scripted Packer installation
Alternatively you may use a scripted installation:
Download the script curl -sSL$script --output $script && chmod 755 $script
Run the script
./ packer
Create a working environment for Packer
In this section you’ll create:
- a resource group where Packer will store the generated images
- a secure folder for your Packer config files
- a service principal for Packer to access your Azure subscription
- extend your .bashrc file with the required environment variables
You can hardcode the tenancy, subscription and service principal details in the JSON files, but we will make use of environment variables instead.
Create a resource group
az group create --name images --location westeurope --output jsonc
Example output:
{ "id": "/subscriptions/2ca40be1-7e80-4f2b-92f7-06b2123a68cc/resourceGroups/images", "location": "westeurope", "managedBy": null, "name": "images", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "tags": null, "type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups" }
Create a folder for your lab files. The commands below will create a subdirectory in your home directory:
mkdir -m 755 ~/packer && cd ~/packer
Create a service principal for packer to use
You will need a service principal to create the images using Packer. We will call is
as we will also use it for Terraform in a later lab. The packer image generation process will create a temporary resource group so the service principal needs sufficient permissions to create one. We’ll use Contributor.Capture the output from the
az ad sp create-for-rbac
command as you will need the values for some environment"http://hashicorp" subId=$(az account show --output tsv --query id) az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $name --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/$subId" --output json
If you are in a shared environment and
has been taken by someone else then setname="http://hashicorp-${subId}-sp"
and then retry theaz ad sp create-for-rbac
command above..Example output:
{ "appId": "19704041-8953-47f5-9b58-45c58f7fb9be", "displayName": "hashicorp", "name": "http://hashicorp", "password": "5ddd8baf-4780-41c9-b7a0-6e23f242d275", "tenant": "72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47" }
Take a copy of the screen output for that last command. You will need some of the values in the next step.
Extend your ~/.bashrc file with your preferred editor
E.g. vscode, vi, or nano.
Add the export commands for the environment variables
Packer can use environment variables for authentication:
Environment variable az ad sp create-for-rbac
valueARM_TENANT_ID tenant ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID Use your existing $subId value ARM_CLIENT_ID appId ARM_CLIENT_SECRET password Example lines added to .bashrc, based on the values returned in the command output above:
# Environment variables for Packer and Terraform export ARM_TENANT_ID=72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47 export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=2ca40be1-7e80-4f2b-92f7-06b2123a68cc export ARM_CLIENT_ID=19704041-8953-47f5-9b58-45c58f7fb9be export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=5eee8baf-4780-41c9-b7a0-6e23f242d275
Ensure your values are modified to match those shown in the output of your
az ad sp create-for-rbac
command.You can always rerun the
az ad sp create-for-rbac
command above which will also change the password value. -
Source the .bashrc file
source ~/.bashrc
Check the environment variables are set
env | grep ARM
Example output:
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=2ca40be1-7e80-4f2b-92f7-06b2123a68cc ARM_TENANT_ID=72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47 ARM_CLIENT_ID=19704041-8953-47f5-9b58-45c58f7fb9be ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=5eee8baf-4780-41c9-b7a0-6e23f242d275
OK, you’re set.
Create the Packer template
Create a file called lab1.json with the following template
{ "variables": { "tenant_id": "{{env `ARM_TENANT_ID`}}", "subscription_id": "{{env `ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID`}}", "client_id": "{{env `ARM_CLIENT_ID`}}", "client_secret": "{{env `ARM_CLIENT_SECRET`}}" }, "builders": [{ "type": "azure-arm", "client_id": "{{user `client_id`}}", "client_secret": "{{user `client_secret`}}", "subscription_id": "{{user `subscription_id`}}", "tenant_id": "{{user `tenant_id`}}", "managed_image_resource_group_name": "images", "managed_image_name": "lab1", "os_type": "Linux", "image_publisher": "Canonical", "image_offer": "UbuntuServer", "image_sku": "18.04-LTS", "azure_tags": { "created_by": "packer", "source_template": "~/packer/lab1.json" }, "location": "westeurope", "vm_size": "Standard_B1s" }], "provisioners": [ { "execute_command": "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; {{ .Vars }} sudo -E sh '{{ .Path }}'", "inline": [ "apt-get update", "apt-get upgrade -y", "apt-get install git jq tree wget lolcat aptitude stress -y" ], "inline_shebang": "/bin/sh -x", "type": "shell" }, { "execute_command": "chmod +x {{ .Path }}; {{ .Vars }} sudo -E sh '{{ .Path }}'", "inline": [ "/usr/sbin/waagent -force -deprovision+user && export HISTSIZE=0 && sync" ], "inline_shebang": "/bin/sh -x", "type": "shell" } ] }
Look at the provisioners array near the bottom of the file. It has two steps, both running a shell command with an inline array. The first step has a few commands in that array will update the operating system and then install a few packages. The second step has a single command that will generalise the virtual machine into an image.
If you need to use a different location, size, or platform image then you may find the following example commands useful:
az account list-locations --output table az vm list-sizes --location westeurope --output table az vm image list-publishers --location westeurope --output table az vm image list-offers --publisher SUSE --location westeurope --output table az vm image list-skus --publisher SUSE --offer SLES --location westeurope --output table
Run the build
Run packer to build the image
packer build lab1.json
The command will show progress with output to screen. Once complete, it will be an image resource type, ready to use for a deployment. Standard VM images use the
provider type. -
List the resulting image
az image list --resource-group images --output table
Example output:
HyperVgeneration Location Name ProvisioningState ResourceGroup ------------------ ---------- ------ ------------------- --------------- V1 westeurope lab1 Succeeded images
SSH Keys
You will need SSH keys in the following steps. If you already have SSH keys then skip to the deploy steps.
Generate SSH keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N ""
The SSH key pair will be created in a default location and with default names.
List the files
ls -l ~/.ssh
Example output:
total 12 -rw------- 1 richeney richeney 1675 Aug 6 13:24 id_rsa -rw-r--r-- 1 richeney richeney 405 Aug 6 13:24
Note the file permissions. The -N switch defines a new passphrase which is empty. This isn’t very security aware, so if you are creating ssh keys for production then look at
man ssh-keygen
Many of the Azure docs examples will deploy VMs from the images, but will also create public IP addresses, virtual networks and subnets per VM. This is very useful for quickly spinning up a test VM. In production you are more likely to deploy VMs without any of these and attach them to existing subnets.
In this section we will create a resource group, vNet and subnet and then attach the deployed VMs to the subnet.
We would normally use
--public-ip-address ""
on the CLI to avoid creating a public IP address, and would then connect across S2S VPN or Express Route to the private IP addresses. For this lab we’ll keep it simple and use the public IP addresses.
Create a resource group for the VMs
az group create --name ansible_vms --location westeurope
Create a virtual network
az network vnet create --resource-group ansible_vms --name vnet --address-prefix --subnet-name subnet --subnet-prefix
Set a variable to your image’s resource ID
imageId=$(az image show --resource-group images --name lab1 --output tsv --query id)
Note: if you are deploying VMs into the same resource group as the image then
az vm create
command can use the far shorter image name (e.g. lab1) rather than the full ID -
Create vm1 from the lab1 image
az vm create --name vm1 \ --resource-group ansible_vms \ --image $imageId \ --ssh-key-values "@~/.ssh/" \ --vnet-name vnet \ --subnet subnet \ --tags owner=citadel docker=true \ --output jsonc \ --no-wait
The command returned immediately as we specified
. The job will be visible in the Deployments screen within the ansible_vms resource group. -
Create vm2
az vm create --name vm2 \ --resource-group ansible_vms \ --image $imageId \ --ssh-key-values "@~/.ssh/" \ --vnet-name vnet \ --subnet subnet \ --tags owner=citadel docker=true \ --output jsonc \ --no-wait
Both are now deploying. We will use the two VMs in the next lab. Note the tags we added; we’ll be using those for dynamic inventories in a later lab.
Connect to the VM
Working ssh access to deployed VMs is critical to making use of Ansible. In this section you will check that the VM deployments have completed, connecting using SSH and then check that the packages were installed successfully.
Check the status of the VM deployments
az group deployment list --resource-group ansible_vms --output table
Repeat this command until both show a state of succeeded.
List out the IP addresses
az vm list-ip-addresses --resource-group ansible_vms --output table
SSH into the public IP address for vm1
Connect using
ssh <userid>@<publicIpAddress>
.Example SSH command below. Your public IP address will be different.
ssh richeney@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ODtHkhERTQx+bUc3ZEL1LBW41VxtGf9JboqYtXe6Dc4. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Answering yes will add the server to the
file. Future ssh connections will go straight in. -
Test that the additional packages were installed correctly into the image
tree /usr/local | lolcat
Example output:
/usr/local ├── bin ├── etc ├── games ├── include ├── lib │ ├── python2.7 │ │ ├── dist-packages │ │ └── site-packages │ └── python3.6 │ └── dist-packages ├── man -> share/man ├── sbin ├── share │ ├── ca-certificates │ └── man └── src 16 directories, 0 files
Close the ssh session
Finishing up
Don’t delete the VMs. We will make use of them over the next few labs! Click on the Ansible Basics link below to move onto the next lab.
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