VDC Workshop Topics

  • Deploy the VDC lab
  • Explore the VDC environment
  • Configure VDC routing with NVAs and UDRs
  • Secure VDC with NSGs and Policies
  • Monitor VDC with Network Watcher and Azure Monitor
  • Role Based Access Control in a hub and spoke topology


The workshop requires the following:

  • Azure Subscription
    • If your workshop is being hosted by a Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect (CSA) then you will be provided with a code for an Azure Pass subscription
    • Open a private (in-private / incognito) browser session
    • Go to http://signup.live.com and create a new Microsoft account in vdc.firstname.lastname@outlook.com format
    • Go to https://www.microsoftazurepass.com (still within a private session)
    • Ensure that you log in using your new email (Sign In is top right)
    • Follow the instructions to redeem the code and activate your Azure Pass
  • If you will be using you own subscription (e.g. Visual Studio Enterprise) then you can confirm that the subscription is valid for the workshop by checking the following in the portal:
    • prove the ability to create resources by creating a new resource group
    • check there are no stringent Virtual Machine or CPU quotas in Subscriptions -> Usage + Quotas
    • within Azure Active Directory, create a test user and group
  • Common pitfalls to avoid:
    • Free Trial accounts may have a CPU quota that is insufficient for the lab environment deployment to successfully complete
    • Redeeming an Azure Pass code against an email address previously used for a trial will succeed, but the activation will fail
    • Using a work email may mean that you do not have write access to the company’s directory and therefore you cannot create users and groups
  • Cloud Shell
    • In the Azure portal, click on the Cloud Shell icon at the top of the screen (>_), create the storage account for clouddrive and confirm it is working by typing az account show
    • Bash and CLI 2.0 (optional, recommended, only applicable for Windows 10)


The setup for the lab has been updated, and the labs have been fully migrated into the Azure Citadel organisation. Here are the individual lab sections:

Lab Section Description
0 Setup Deploy the base lab environment using a few Azure CLI commands
1 Explore Explore and understand the starting point for the lab environment
2 Configure Configure a S2S VPN, base Cisco CSR config, UDRs and vNet peering settings
3 Secure Secure the environment using NSGs, Azure Security Center and Azure Policies
4 Monitor Use Network Watcher and analyse NSG Flow Logs
5 RBAC Create users and groups, allocate roles to scopes. And clean up the lab!



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