
Azure is flexible in offering a number of different interfaces, from the Azure Portal, to the PowerShell and CLI 2.0 command line interfaces, the various SDKs for languages such as Python, Node.js, Ruby etc. and finally the REST API. The aim is to enable admins, power users and developers to use the interfaces that are most natural for them, rather than force them down a particular path.

This self paced tech primer is for CLI 2.0, the second iteration of a Bash compliant command line interface. CLI 2.0 is designed to be natural for those coming from the Linux and Unix world with an interface that integrates well with Bash scripting, and the JSON outputs also fit well with the data constructs within languages such as Python and Perl.

Working through this lab will give you some of the tools to unleash the power of CLI 2.0 and Azure itself.


Page Link Description
1 Setup Installing and updating
2 First Steps Orientation and simple commands
3 JMESPATH queries Using JMESPATH queries to filter and define the output
4 Bash Scripting with CLI 2.0 Common ways to integrate with Bash scripting

Launch Cloud Shell

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