NOTICE: This workshop will be removed at the end of March. For those who are new to Azure then we highly recommend the Azure learning paths within Microsoft Learn.

The session needs to be delivered as a workshop, whereas the newer content on this site is intended to be usable both in that context and as self serve material. The Portal and Virtual Machine labs will also be retired, but the Web App and Logic Apps labs will be moved into the Fundamentals category.


The Azure 101 session is intended as an introductory training for technical learners who have had little to no experience with Azure public cloud.

The aim is to familiarise the student with some of the most commonly used IaaS and PaaS services in Azure, and the portal and CLI interfaces available to drive them.

In terms of orientation, the trainer may use slides to help give an overview of some of the other services available within Azure, and the training will also make the student aware of some of the documentation and training resources available to them as they continue to explore.

Allow five hours for a full session including all of the labs.


The workshop requires the following

Pre-req Required Comment
Azure Subscription Required  
Bash & CLI 2.0 Optional Windows 10 only, recommended for power users
Azure Powershell Modules Optional Recommended for existing PowerShell users
Visual Studio Code Optional  

Please confirm that your Azure subscription is working correctly before the session:

  • Browse to Azure Portal
  • Authenticate to confirm your credentials are working correctly
  • Click on the ‘+ New’ in the left hand pane
  • Search for ‘Resource Group’ and select it
  • Click Create and use the following parameters
    • Resource Group Name: Azure101IaaS
      • The name should show a green tick once you move way from the text box
    • Subscription: <your subscription name>
    • Resource Group Location: West Europe
  • Click on Create

If the resource group is successfuly deployed then your subscription has sufficient permissions for the Azure 101 workshop.


Lab Description
Portal & vNets Learn and customise the Azure portal, and create vNets and subnets
VM Quickstart Follow a Quickstart for either Linux or Windows VMs, via the portal, CLI or PowerShell
Web App Lab Create a Web App using content pulled from a GitHub repository
Logic App Lab Create a feedback mechanism, HTTP endpoint, conditional emails and logging


The below sections are PowerPoint content unless specified otherwise

  1. Azure Intro
    • Cloud drivers and key Azure principles
    • Scale and compliancy
    • Rate of change, services and open source
  2. Infrastructure Services
    • Compute options
    • Networking fundamentals
    • LAB: Portal familiarisation and customisation, resource groups, vNets and subnets, documentation resources
    • Storage and RBAC principles
    • LAB: Windows and Linux VMs, customising NSGs, defining Availability Sets
  3. Lunch
  4. Application & Platform Services
    • Responsibilities: Traditional v IaaS v PaaS v SaaS
    • Web Apps, Mobile Apps, etc
    • Functions and Logic Apps
  5. DevOps & Automation
    • CI/CD
    • Toolchains
    • Monitoring and Insight
  6. LAB: Deploying to Web Apps from a GitHub repository
  7. Data and Analytics
    • Hadoop, HDinsight and Data Lake
    • SQL DB, Data Warehouse and Managed Instance
    • MySQL, PostgreSQL and CosmosDB
    • Cortana Intelligence Suite, Cognitive Services, Machine Learning and IoT Suite
  8. LAB: Using Logic Apps to create a feedback API
  9. Self-training and options for future enablement sessions

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