AKS (Azure Container Service) - Lab

ARM Tech Primer

Anomaly Detection with Azure Databricks

Artificial Intelligence

Automated Selenium Testing and App Insights

Azure 101

Azure API Management - Lab

Azure B2C

Azure B2C Demo App

Azure Container Instances - Lab

Azure Databricks Level-400 Workshop

Azure Fundamentals

Azure Lighthouse

Azure Migrate

Azure Policy and Initiatives

Azure PowerShell Module

Azure Security Center

Azure Subscriptions

Build a Cognitive Search Solution

Build a Company In A Day

Build an Azure Virtual Data Centre

Business Applications

CLI 2.0, Bash and JMESPATH Tech Primer

Citrix on Azure

Cloud Solution Provider

Cognitive Services with Logic Apps & Cosmos

Compliance in Office 365 is easy

Configuring Cloud Shell

Containers & Docker Tech Primer

Creating ARM Templates

Demo Web Apps

DevOps Projects Lab

DevOps with Microsoft and Azure

DevOps with VS Code, VSTS & Azure App Service

Digital Transformation

Docker For Beginners

Extending Identities to the Cloud

Firewall identities with Azure AD Conditional Access


Installing Git for Windows or Mac

Integrating with Azure Search

Introduction to AI

Introduction to Serverless Functions

IoT Central Lab

IoT Hub File Upload

IoT Hub Lab

Kubernetes: Hands On With Microservices

Minikube / Kubernetes - Lab

Mobile Cloud Workshop

Modern Workplace



Open Source

Post breach detection on Windows 10


Protecting identities with Azure ATP

SAP Systems Journey to Azure

Securing Workloads in Azure

Security Session - Protecting information

Security in the Cloud

Serverless & Cognitive Services

Serverless Twitter Bot

Service Fabric - Lab

Setting up Docker Locally

Shakespeare! Data Lake Analytics and Cognitive Services.

Smilr - Microservices

Starting with the Azure Bot Service

Streaming Analytics Lab

Terraform on Azure - Pre 0.12

Using Packer and Ansible

VM Operations

Virtual Data Centre Workshop

Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio Code

WVD Walkthrough

What is Cloud App Security?

Windows Subsystem for Linux

Windows Terminal

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